all the battle pets that have been introduced to World of Warcraft,
one of my very favorites has to be the Elekk Plushie. It’s
essentially the Magikarp of battle pets, with all of its abilities
doing virtually nothing, but hey- it can relish in its dominance as
the greatest stuffed animal ever! And it just looks cute.
anyways, as soon as I first saw the Elekk Plushie, I knew I had to
make a real one at some point. I waited a few years after it was
introduced to the game, hoping that someone would make a pattern for
one, but when I looked recently, I couldn’t find any patterns, at
least not any that were accurate enough for my liking. So, I designed
my own pattern. It took a few tries and a bit of fiddling, but I
think it turned out pretty well. I mean, it still needs a bit of
work, especially the darn face (I’m beginning to wonder if that
particular shape is even possible without a seam down the middle…),
and obviously needs to be different colors, but I didn’t have blue
felt… Though I will be making a blue one soon with my tutorial.
Anyways, it’s close enough for now, until I can find a way to
make it better.
especially since there aren’t many Elekk plushie patterns out
there, I decided I should share my pattern so anyone who wants to can
make their own. I didn’t think to take pictures of the steps as I
made Cas (my third prototype… yes, I’m weird and gave them all
names...), so it will probably be awhile before I can post a tutorial
since I procrastinated way too long on making Christmas presents this
year and I don’t have time to make another elekk plushie right now.
So, if anyone wants to try to figure out how all the pieces go
together on their own, be my guest. But I’ll hopefully have a
tutorial up soon-ish.
*This is the updated pattern, so now the cheek piece has a hole that puts the tusk in the right orientation.
*This is the updated pattern, so now the cheek piece has a hole that puts the tusk in the right orientation.
although I didn’t learn of it until after I started making my
plushie design, the Elekk plushie had been introduced way earlier to
World of Warcraft as a toy called a Souvenir Elekk. And I was also
surprised to find that in addition to the elekk, there were two other
similar souvenir toys, a murloc and a raptor! The murloc looks a
little odd, but I might try to make at least a real plushie version
of the souvenir raptor in the future.