finally decided what I’m going to dress up as for Halloween this
year! A knight! It is a bit last-minute, but at least it’s better
than the past few years, when I literally came up with something the
night before. One time I wore a blue shirt with a red bandana as
Merlin, then the next year I drew blue arrows on my forehead, arms,
and legs, and was an airbending master. And last year, I put slightly
more time into my costume and dressed up as Captain Jack Sparrow.
had gotten the idea from camp, since one week my cabin all dressed up
as Johnny Depp characters. It was pretty fun. And the best part both times was seeing people's reactions to the beard and mustache.
anyways, this year, I’m going to make a better costume. And I have
over a week to do it! I was going to try to finish a can tab
chainmail shirt that I started a few years ago, but the tabs kept
breaking away from each other, and it was frustrating. So, I’m
making cardboard armor instead. This is what it looks like so far:
not sure how many pieces of armor I can finish before Halloween, but
I’m planning on at least making some pauldrons, and maybe a back
for the breastplate.