Wednesday, April 4, 2018

I'm a Knight... Part 5!

I finished my armor! And my swords! I think I look much more knightly now :)

Spray painting the broadsword was very interesting, though, since it was so long... I had to suspend it from a string while it dried so it wouldn't get stuck to anything. Oh, and don't mind the log in the picture... I'm going to do something with it eventually... hopefully.

I also made another, much lighter and more wieldy sword! I like how the crossguard came out on it much better, and it's awesome to swing around!

I also decided to make a couple of darts. I ended up painting them black, but I forgot to take another picture.

So now, I think I'm ready for battle! :)

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

I'm a Knight... Part 4

It's been awhile since I finished up my cardboard breastplate and pauldrons. But I had always intended to make a few more pieces of armor, and then my friends at school decided to have a battle in cardboard armor! So... I'm making more pieces now, and weapons! Typical me, I procrastinated... a lot. So I only really started 2 days ago, but didn't have much to show until yesterday. And the battle is tomorrow, so these aren't going to be the most fancy things. Plus I'm not sure if I'm allowed to use paper mache... Anyways, I made some bracers and leg guards of a sort, to add to my existing armor. (I would have worn them all at once, but the breastplate is annoying to get in and out of, so I didn't want to do it late last night...)

Then, I also made a knife, complete with a scabbard to put it into:

And, my sword! It still doesn't have a cross guard yet, but other than that it's mostly finished. I also made a ball out of cardboard that I'm going to put in the end of the hilt once the sword is all painted. The only problem is that it might be a little too big and heavy for me to swing around... we'll see, I guess.

Well, hopefully I'll be able to finish these by tomorrow and get them all painted! And make another, smaller sword just in case...

Odds and Ends

It always seems like when I actually start getting stuff done and have time to work on crafts, it all happens at once... Like right before Spring Break started, I finished this coffee table in my woodworking class.

And in AP Chemistry, we made borax crystals again! These ones are a bit simpler than the dragon I made last year, but they're still cool!

And then I finished this blanket for one of my best friends! It's really long since she's super tall.