Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Not a Llama

It's been awhile, and a lot has happened, but I just finished another plushie! This one is of Sylvan the Ranger, a Ramkahen character created by Galder, who was running a contest on Deviantart to depict his characters, which I made this plushie for.

I'm pretty happy with how it turned out, although the face and hair could use a bit of work. According to my boyfriend, however, it's a funny-looking llama. I think that stemmed from the fact that I made it out of fur fabric that was way too fluffy and had to trim it down, so there was a point before I added the arms and whatnot that it looked like this:

Thankfully after the trim it looked a bit less like a llama and more like a lion-centaur thing, like it's supposed to :) However, it also left me completely covered in fluff...