Saturday, December 30, 2017

I Think My Sewing Level Just Went Up

So, I thought I knew how needle-sculpting worked, but when I was making this terrier (with this pattern, by the way), I tried experimenting a little because it started off all dumpy and looking more like a deranged bulldog. But when I figured out where to place the stitches, it started transforming, and now it looks adorable! :) I kind of want to go back and touch up the plushies I finished earlier to make them look better, but I still have a whole bunch to get through, so I'm not sure I'll get to that, unfortunately. At least this one looks really good, though.

I also made a tiny shadow heartless earlier in the day, using this pattern. I had to make the body and limbs a little smaller to make him proportional, but he turned out really cute. His entire body is lined with pipe cleaners, so he can be posed in any way.

The last plushie I finished yesterday was this little narwhal, using this pattern

Friday, December 29, 2017

I am Groot (and Panda)!

I finished two more plushies yesterday! Yay!

The panda was made with this pattern by Runo. It's pretty small, like most of the plushies I make :)

The baby Groot was made with this pattern by Ultimatecheez. I changed the base a little I bit so that it's more rounded, and I sewed him to a piece of felt-covered foam so he stays in the pot nicely. I also put pipe cleaners in his body and arms so that he can be posed to dance!

Thursday, December 28, 2017

It's So Fluffy I'm Gonna Die!

Awhile ago one of my friends requested that I make them a wolf plushie. I had been putting it off because I knew I would have to use faux fur to make it look like a wolf and not just a dog, and I had never really attempted such a thing before. But I used this pattern by Voodoo-Tiki, and it turned out great!

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Nothing Like Last Minute...

It is a truly unique feeling to finish something literally 20 minutes before you’re supposed to leave to give it to someone… Man, I really need to get better at not procrastinating…

The one that I finished first was this Articuno. It wouldn’t have taken quite as long to finish if I had stuck with my original plan and simply used this pattern. But I decided it didn’t look accurate enough for my liking, so I made a few changes, which turned into basically redrawing the entire pattern… But it turned out good :) It has pipe cleaners sewed into its legs, wings, and tail, so it’s fully posable. Here is the pattern I made for it.

And this is the plushie I finished just on time- Stitch! I used this really cool pattern, which I was thankfully able to find this tutorial for, since it’s in Chinese or Japanese or something, so it took me awhile to figure out what everything was even with the tutorial. But I think he turned out really cute :)

Sunday, December 24, 2017

A Bayleef for Bailey

So... I finally got back to making plushies for my friends. They're going to be 11th day of Christmas presents this year, just like last year... And I still have some actual Christmas presents I need to finish up... I guess that's what I'm doing all day today.

Anyways, I made a Bayleef! And this is the first plushie I've designed myself without heavily relying on other peoples' patterns or tutorials to help me that actually came out right on the first try! I sketched out the pattern yesterday, made him, and he looks cute.

The leaf on his head took a really long time to make, since I sewed a pipe cleaner to both pieces before I sewed the edges so that it would be able to stand right. I just had to make sure that those stitches never went through the other side of the felt, so they're effectively invisible :) I think the extra effort was totally worth it, though, for how well he came out!

Friday, December 8, 2017

Meet Ralph

I finally decided to finish and test out the pattern for a Souvenir Raptor, to submit in a contest on Deviantart. Since the deadline was today, I didn't get a chance to add all of the details I would have liked to, but it still looks like the raptor, so I'm happy.

Eventually, I'll go back and add the decorative stitches and wrappings on him, but since I'm already behind on making presents for people for Christmas, I should probably work on those first... 
Also, here is the pattern I made, if you want to make one of your own.

Monday, December 4, 2017

Udder Destruction

I finished another plushie! It reminds me a bit of the Pygmy Cow battle pet from World of Warcraft.

I made it using this pattern. It turned out a little bit fat and weird-looking at first, so I tried thread sculpting for the first time, and I think it actually turned out pretty well. :)

Saturday, December 2, 2017

Puzzling Puzzles

I'm taking a woodworking class at school this year, and it's lots of fun!
These are the first projects I made, which I finished a few days ago. I made a hedgehog peg puzzle:

And a traditional knot puzzle:

Friday, December 1, 2017

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas!

I made a wreath this morning to put on my locker at school!

It may not be the best, but it's a significant improvement from the one I made last year:

I learned a lot from the last one, which was the first wreath I ever made. This one is braided together, with extra pieces woven in, so it doesn't have any wire in it, unlike the one I made last year, which was entirely held together with wire. I also was able to make this one look more full, so I didn't have to use ribbon to cover up the bare spots. And most importantly, this one is made from a much better material, so hopefully it won't lose its needles quite as easily. The last one would lose half its needles every time I closed my locker, so by Christmas break it was pretty much just sticks...